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2024-12-21 - 21:00
OSADL Special Events

OSADL Special Events

COOL - Compact OSADL Online Lectures

Online event

What is COOL?

COOL - Compact OSADL Online Lectures: Open Source meets Industry

  • COOL is an OSADL webinar series.
  • COOL takes place regularly once a month and covers new and state-of-the-art topics on Open Source software in industry, either on legal or on technical aspects.
  • COOL editions each consist of two lectures covering a special "Open Source meets industry" topic followed by a discussion round. The first "basic" lecture provides basic knowledge with regard to the respective topic and the second "advanced" lecture dives deeper into the topic and highlights special aspects. The discussion round gives all participants the possibility to ask questions and discuss with the respective speakers and the audience.
  • COOL speakers are OSADL experts on the one hand and external specialists on the other hand who kindly agreed to share their expert knowledge on the respective topic.
  • COOL is a virtual event. The lectures are held by live video streams. Speakers will be available for questions and discussion in a video conference which will take part subsequent to the live video streams.
  • COOL in general is designed to provide support how to best and compliantly use Open Source software in industry.

COOL October 2022 edition

SaaS, Cloud, Javascript: License obligations for using FOSS on the Web
Tuesday, October 25, 2022, 2pm to 4pm CEST

Agenda COOL October 2022 edition:

2:00pm to 2:45pm CEST:

Theoretical part: Copyright issues when using software in the Cloud
Dr. Till Jaeger, JBB Rechtsanwälte

2:45pm to 3:30pm CEST:

Practical part: Tips and tricks on how to handle licensing of Web content
Caren Kresse, OSADL

3:30pm to 4:00pm CEST:

Discussion and possibility to ask questions

Description COOL October 2022 edition

In the early days of the web, documents were static, meaning that every time a page was loaded, it was rendered on the client side, and every time a detail of the page needed to be changed, another document was loaded into the browser. The document description language HTML is very typical of such page description languages and did not allow, at least at that time, to include a procedural language like Javascript. In modern times, however, this has changed dramatically, and the vast majority of web pages use code that executes on the browser page to respond to user input and adjust a display accordingly, without requiring a retransmission of data from the server to the client. In addition to web pages, other use cases of software on the Internet have arisen in recent years, such as Software as a Service (SaaS) and other so-called “Cloud” services. This is a considerable change in web technology that, at the same time also changes the legal terms of software on the web. The use of Javascript code, which is downloaded from the server to the client, explicitly qualifies as "copying and distributing", and therefore requires a license. Other uses of software on the web may qualify as “public communication”, which is prohibited by German copyright law, and therefore also require a license. Web programmers and designers are usually not aware of the possible legal consequences of using Open Source software on the web without a valid license.

This COOL event will dive deep into the licensing obligations of common Open Source licenses used for web page content and provide recommendations and practical examples on how to use web programs in a license compliant manner.

In the first lecture, Dr. Till Jaeger, a certified copyright and media law attorney, will explain the basics of copyright law and how it affects the offering of protected works on the Internet. He will also give an overview of common Open Source licenses that contain special conditions for offering and publishing code on the Internet and those that do not.

In the practical presentation, Caren Kresse of OSADL will translate the legal terms into recommendations on how to appropriately fulfill licensing obligations of websites and various cloud services. In addition, she will demonstrate what a correctly licensed website can look like.

Recommended audience COOL October 2022 edition

Open Source officers, software developers and engineers, system integrators, employees of internal legal departments, external legal advisors, purchase department employees who deal with Open Source software, employees of QA departments, etc.

About the speakers of the COOL October 2022 edition

-  Dr. Till Jaeger:  Till Jaeger has been a partner at JBB Rechtsanwaelte since 2001. He is a Certified Copyright and Media Law Attorney and advises large and medium-sized IT businesses as well as government authorities and software developers on matters involving contracts, licensing and IP rights. Established in 1999, JBB Rechtsanwaelte is a law firm dealing with legal matters arising out of the complex high-tech, entertainment and information technology industry.

One particular focus of Till Jaeger's work is on the legal issues created by Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). He is co-founder of the Institute for Legal Aspects of Free & Open Source Software (ifrOSS), contributing to its work with academic publications, lectures and seminars in the fields of software law and copyright law. He provides advice on compliance with Open Source licenses and on compatibility issues, and helps developers and software companies to enforce licenses both in Germany and abroad.

Till Jaeger is general counsel of OSADL.

He represented the project in several lawsuits to enforce the GPL and has published several articles and books related to legal questions of Free and Open Source Software (among them Jaeger/Metzger, Open Source Software - Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen der Freien Software, 5th ed. Munich 2020, and Van den Brande/Coughlan/Jaeger - The International FOSS Law Book, 2nd ed Munich 2014). He was member of the Committee C in the GPLv3 drafting process.

- Caren Kresse, OSADL: Caren Kresse holds a Master degree in Physics. Already during her studies she used and appreciated the large amount of Open Source software and she became acquainted with all aspects of Open Source communities. In particular, she specialized on legal aspects of conveying Open Source software and has been working on various aspects of Open Source license compliance with OSADL since 2018. Among others, Caren leads the OSADL Open Source Policy project and is deeply involved in the OSADL License Obligations Checklists project. Furthermore, she maintains the OSADL Docker Base Image.

Past COOL webinars

(Click on title to expand display.)






Please click on the respective COOL edition in order to display the full agenda and more details about the lectures and the respective guest speakers.

Download of COOL overview January - April 2024 as PDF file (v2)
Download of COOL overview September - December 2023 as PDF file (v4)
Download of COOL overview January to May 2023 as PDF file
Download of COOL overview September to December 2022 as PDF file
Download of COOL overview January to May 2022 (new - v7) as PDF file
Download of COOL overview September - December 2021 as PDF file
Download of COOL overview January - May 2021 as PDF file

COOL conference language

The COOL sessions will be in English language.

COOL registration

Please use the online registration form to register for a particular COOL edition: Online registration form.
The access data will be sent to the registered participants shortly before the event.

COOL participation fee

Participation in COOL is free of charge.

COOL feedback

We would appreciate if participants of COOL completed and submitted the following feedback questionnaire in order to better meet their requirements and consider their suggestions in future events: Feedback sheet. Thanks in advance.

COOL presentations

The presentations and video clips of COOL will be made available after the event. Material of basic lectures will be publicly available, material of advanced lectures will be available exclusively for OSADL members or participants with login.

COOL Presentations and video clips (Member or participant login required to display material of advanced lectures)

Privacy policy

When you register for participation in the event you agree that the personal data you enter in the registration form will be processed at OSADL as necessary (see our privacy policy).

You may revoke this agreement at any time by email, mail or phone using the communication data provided at the imprint page, but this will also cancel your registration.


Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have further questions:
Andrea Ruf
Phone.: +49 6221 98504 13