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2025-02-21 - 11:46

Dates and Events:

OSADL Articles:

2024-10-02 12:00

Linux is now an RTOS!

PREEMPT_RT is mainline - What's next?

2023-11-12 12:00

Open Source License Obligations Checklists even better now

Import the checklists to other tools, create context diffs and merged lists

2023-03-01 12:00

Embedded Linux distributions

Results of the online "wish list"

2022-01-13 12:00

Phase #3 of OSADL project on OPC UA PubSub over TSN successfully completed

Another important milestone on the way to interoperable Open Source real-time Ethernet has been reached

2021-02-09 12:00

Open Source OPC UA PubSub over TSN project phase #3 launched

Letter of Intent with call for participation is now available

OSADL Special Events

OSADL Special Events

COOL - Compact OSADL Online Lectures

Online event

What is COOL?

COOL - Compact OSADL Online Lectures: Open Source meets Industry

  • COOL is an OSADL webinar series.
  • COOL takes place regularly once a month and covers new and state-of-the-art topics on Open Source software in industry, either on legal or on technical aspects.
  • COOL editions each consist of two lectures covering a special "Open Source meets industry" topic followed by a discussion round. The first "basic" lecture provides basic knowledge with regard to the respective topic and the second "advanced" lecture dives deeper into the topic and highlights special aspects. The discussion round gives all participants the possibility to ask questions and discuss with the respective speakers and the audience.
  • COOL speakers are OSADL experts on the one hand and external specialists on the other hand who kindly agreed to share their expert knowledge on the respective topic.
  • COOL is a virtual event. The lectures are held by live video streams. Speakers will be available for questions and discussion in a video conference which will take part subsequent to the live video streams.
  • COOL in general is designed to provide support how to best and compliantly use Open Source software in industry.

COOL November 2021 edition

Open Source software license compliance certification and how to get there
Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 2pm to 4pm CET

Agenda COOL November 2021 edition:

2:00pm to 2:30pm CET:

Basic lecture: Overview of Open Source software license compliance approaches and certificates: OSADL Policy Template, OSADL Supplier/License Compliance Audit (S/LCA), OpenChain (ISO 5230), Caren Kresse, OSADL

2:30pm to 3:15pm CET:

Advanced lecture: Open Source License Compliance with OpenChain and TÜV Süd, Nicole Pappler, PAPPSTARpromotion GmbH

3:15pm to 3:30pm CET:

Addendum: Mapping the OSADL Policy to the OpenChain Specifications, Caren Kresse, OSADL

3:30pm to 4:00pm CET:

Discussion and possibility to ask questions

Description COOL November 2021 edition:

It certainly constitutes an important step towards license compliance of a company when an individual license compliance policy is established, but it is also very important to communicate this to all partners of the trade chain. And even if this is communicated it must also be ensured that the policies of all trade partners are equivalent and a reliable chain of trust is created. This is best achieved if all parties adhere to the same standard and fortunately a suitable standard was recently established as OpenChain ISO 5230. To better understand what OpenChain is all about, it may be important to have a look at the roots of this standard and the way of how it was created. To do so Caren Kresse, OSADL, will give the basic lecture of this OSADL COOL edition and explain the details of the various precursors of the final OpenChain standard. In particular, the difference between a product related and a company related standard will be looked at.

The question often arises what steps a company should take to become certified. The advanced lecture of this OSADL COOL edition will therefore stress this issue. In particular, it is not obvious whether it may be sufficient to simply study the OpenChain standard or whether it may be better to use a template and follow it step by step to ensure that the important prerequisites are established first before they are checked against the standard. Another question focusses on the selection of the auditing organization. It is best practice not to have the processes to be audited by the same organization that before assisted when establishing them. Since OSADL primarily helps companies establish and fine-tune the processes to obtain company-wide Open Source software license compliance, OSADL decided not to act as auditing organization in the first place. In contrast, OSADL recommends external and independent certification bodies such as the German TÜV organization. Details of how this cooperation may work in practice and how the various approaches map against each other will also be included in this talk. This mapping will be a bit more elaborated in an addendum given by Caren Kresse, OSADL. OSADL is very grateful that Nicole Pappler of PAPPSTARpromotion accepted our invitation to give the advanced lecture. Nicole has a wealth of her own experience in assessing the quality of appropriate processes for corporate compliance and subjecting them to independent audit.

Participants who would like to make themselves familiar in advance with OpenChain ISO 5230 are invited to watch the video recordings of the COOL December 2020 edition on "License Compliance and related company processes" that are available here -> COOL presentations December 2020 (OSADL member login required in order to display video of the advanced lecture) and the recording of the OSADL presentation on "Build Your Own Open Source Policy With The OSADL Template" that was held in the course of the OpenChain webinar series available here -> OSADL presentation

Recommended audience COOL November 2021 edition:

Open Source officers, software developers and system integrators, internal and external legal advisors, purchase department employees who deal with Open Source software, employees of QA departments, etc.

About the speakers of the COOL November 2021 edition:

- Caren Kresse: Caren Kresse holds a Master degree in Physics. Already during her studies she used and appreciated the large amount of Open Source software and she became acquainted with all aspects of Open Source communities. In particular, she specialized on legal aspects of conveying Open Source software and has been working on various aspects of Open Source license compliance with OSADL since 2018. Among others, she leads the OSADL Open Source Policy project and is deeply involved in the OSADL License Obligations Checklists project. Furthermore, she maintains the OSADL Docker Base Image.

- Nicole Pappler: Nicole Pappler has worked in different projects developing safety relevant embedded software before starting as an independent assessor. With now more than twenty years of experience in the industry, she supported several customers to show their compliance with safety, security and quality standards. Currently she is utilizing her experience regarding the development of highly reliable software to enable both closed and open source solutions to be used in critical products, focusing on safety, security and license compliance.

Past COOL webinars

(Click on title to expand display.)







Please click on the respective COOL edition in order to display the full agenda and more details about the lectures and the respective guest speakers.

Download of COOL overview January - April 2024 as PDF file (v2)
Download of COOL overview September - December 2023 as PDF file (v4)
Download of COOL overview January to May 2023 as PDF file
Download of COOL overview September to December 2022 as PDF file
Download of COOL overview January to May 2022 (new - v7) as PDF file
Download of COOL overview September - December 2021 as PDF file
Download of COOL overview January - May 2021 as PDF file

COOL conference language

The COOL sessions will be in English language.

COOL registration

Please use the online registration form to register for a particular COOL edition: Online registration form.
The access data will be sent to the registered participants shortly before the event.

COOL participation fee

Participation in COOL is free of charge.

COOL feedback

We would appreciate if participants of COOL completed and submitted the following feedback questionnaire in order to better meet their requirements and consider their suggestions in future events: Feedback sheet. Thanks in advance.

COOL presentations

The presentations and video clips of COOL will be made available after the event. Material of basic lectures will be publicly available, material of advanced lectures will be available exclusively for OSADL members or participants with login.

COOL Presentations and video clips (Member or participant login required to display material of advanced lectures)

Privacy policy

When you register for participation in the event you agree that the personal data you enter in the registration form will be processed at OSADL as necessary (see our privacy policy).

You may revoke this agreement at any time by email, mail or phone using the communication data provided at the imprint page, but this will also cancel your registration.


Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have further questions:
Andrea Ruf
Phone.: +49 6221 98504 13