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2025-02-21 - 11:53

Feedback Sheet COOL - Compact OSADL Online Lectures

Thank you for joining COOL - Compact OSADL Online Lectures. In order to better meet your requirements and consider your suggestions in future COOL editions, we kindly ask you to complete and submit the following questionnaire:

COOL - Compact OSADL Online Lectures

1. General: COOL - Compact OSADL Online Lectures ...
2. Topics: The general topic of the COOL session you attended was ...

3. COOL lectures: ...
The COOL lecture part on "Basic concepts of creating and running a computer program and software tools for legal evaluations"...
4. Quality of audiovisual presentation material (readability, comprehensiveness, etc.): Was the audiovisual presentation material adequate or could it be better adapted to the online format? The audiovisual presentation material was ...
5. Transmission technology - Please let us know which transmission channels worked best for you:
6. Please tell us what you liked in particular and what you didn't like:
7. Please let us have your comments and suggestions here. You may also propose topics of future COOL editions:
8. You may provide your name and email address here in case you wish us to respond to your feedback (optional):