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OSADL Special Events

COOL - Compact OSADL Online Lectures

Online event

What is COOL?

COOL - Compact OSADL Online Lectures: Open Source meets Industry

  • COOL is an OSADL webinar series.
  • COOL takes place regularly once a month and covers new and state-of-the-art topics on Open Source software in industry, either on legal or on technical aspects.
  • COOL editions each consist of two lectures covering a special "Open Source meets industry" topic followed by a discussion round. The first "basic" lecture provides basic knowledge with regard to the respective topic and the second "advanced" lecture dives deeper into the topic and highlights special aspects. The discussion round gives all participants the possibility to ask questions and discuss with the respective speakers and the audience.
  • COOL speakers are OSADL experts on the one hand and external specialists on the other hand who kindly agreed to share their expert knowledge on the respective topic.
  • COOL is a virtual event. The lectures are held by live video streams. Speakers will be available for questions and discussion in a video conference which will take part subsequent to the live video streams.
  • COOL in general is designed to provide support how to best and compliantly use Open Source software in industry.

COOL February 2022 edition

Current status of Linux real-time on its way to mainline
Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 2pm to 4pm CET

Agenda COOL February 2022 edition:

2:00pm to 2:30pm CET:

Theoretical part: Rationale of turning Linux into an RTOS and challenges to master it, Dr. Carsten Emde, OSADL

2:30pm to 3:00pm CET:

Practical part I: The time course of the PREEMPT_RT patches and achievable real-time capabilities, Alexander Bähr, OSADL

3:00pm to 3:30pm CET:

Practical part II: Linux real-time on its way to mainline: What's left and field report of adding real-time capabilities to another architecture, Jan Altenberg, OSADL

3:30pm to 4:00pm CET:

Discussion and possibility to ask questions

Description COOL February 2022 edition:

When about 20 years ago automation industry discovered the many advantages of using Open Source software and particularly the Linux kernel in control devices, it was clear that it would only be possible if Linux were equipped with real-time capabilities. At this time, there were two completely different approaches, single kernel or dual kernel, and by a number of reasons many companies decided to go single kernel and push the idea to merge this technology into the mainline kernel. By the way: This was one of the main reasons to found OSADL. A first milestone was reached when in August 2006 at the Ottawa Kernel Summit a plan was released how a road map to mainline real-time Linux could look like. A first estimate how long this would take amounted to about 10 years. As we all know, this time has expired, but a very large part of the originally off-tree real-time patches are now part of the mainline kernel and there is a realistic chance that the remaining parts will be integrated in the mainline kernel in the foreseeable future.

When discussing about Linux real-time, people often ask questions about the current status, possible obstacles and estimates of the final mainline merge which is well understandable because many companies are building an important part of their products on top of it. Therefore, it is a goal of the February COOL session to shed some light on the current status of Linux real-time and its way to mainline. Before we do that, Carsten Emde will look back at the time when the whole Linux RT journey started and recall some of the major milestones. Most of them involved significant challenges that the kernel developers and in particular the maintainer of the PREEMPT_RT patches Thomas Gleixner had to master. In this context, it seems interesting to us to trace this path using the measurements in the OSADL QA farm and to pursue the question of how the RT properties have actually evolved over time. This task will be taken over by Alexander Bähr, who at OSADL is responsible for the support of the various systems in the OSADL QA farm, among other things. Last not least, Jan Altenberg will explain which show stoppers still prevent reaching the final goal that all real-time capabilities of the currently supported architectures Intel, ARM and PowerPC, 32 and 64 bit respectively, are immediately available in the unpatched mainline kernel. And the question will be answered how complicated it still may be to add a new one to the list of real-time supporting architectures.

Recommended audience COOL February 2022 edition:

Software developers and engineers, hardware developers and engineers, system integrators, field application engineers, employees of QA departments, etc.

About the speakers of the COOL February 2022 edition:

- Jan Altenberg: Jan Altenberg has more than 15 years of experience in developing and maintaining Embedded Linux systems. He studied information technologies at the University of Cooperative Education in Stuttgart (Germany). From 2002 - 2006 he was involved in the OCEAN project, a european research project, which defined an open controller platform based on Realtime Linux and Realtime CORBA. From 2007 to 2019 he worked for Linutronix as a Consultant, Trainer and Head of Technical sales. From April 2019 to 2021 he worked as Open-Source Technology Expert and Open-Source Compliance Officer for Continental Automotive GmbH. Since October 2021 he works as Senior Legal Consultant and Embedded Systems Integrator at the Open Source Automation Development Lab (OSADL) eG. Jan is a frequent speaker on several conferences. In 2014, 2018 and 2019 he has been awarded with the "best speaker award" at the embedded software engineering congress in Sindelfingen (Germany).

- Alexander Bähr: Alexander Bähr is a state certified technician with a focus on control engineering. Since his youth he has been enthusiastic about electronics and data processing, especially Linux and Open Source. During his further professional activity with the main focus on measurement technology and its data processing, Alexander has successfully used the various options of Open Source software in his professional environment for many years. Since 2020 he works as a technical computer scientist at the Open Source Automation Development Lab (OSADL) eG.

- Carsten Emde: Carsten Emde has a long history of professional activities in the field of software development, system integration and training, particularly for embedded system software. Carsten is specialized on graphical user interface, robotics, real-time systems and on legal and business aspects of using Open Source software in industry. He has been managing OSADL since its foundation in 2005.

Past COOL webinars

(Click on title to expand display.)






Please click on the respective COOL edition in order to display the full agenda and more details about the lectures and the respective guest speakers.

Download of COOL overview January - April 2024 as PDF file (v2)
Download of COOL overview September - December 2023 as PDF file (v4)
Download of COOL overview January to May 2023 as PDF file
Download of COOL overview September to December 2022 as PDF file
Download of COOL overview January to May 2022 (new - v7) as PDF file
Download of COOL overview September - December 2021 as PDF file
Download of COOL overview January - May 2021 as PDF file

COOL conference language

The COOL sessions will be in English language.

COOL registration

Please use the online registration form to register for a particular COOL edition: Online registration form.
The access data will be sent to the registered participants shortly before the event.

COOL participation fee

Participation in COOL is free of charge.

COOL feedback

We would appreciate if participants of COOL completed and submitted the following feedback questionnaire in order to better meet their requirements and consider their suggestions in future events: Feedback sheet. Thanks in advance.

COOL presentations

The presentations and video clips of COOL will be made available after the event. Material of basic lectures will be publicly available, material of advanced lectures will be available exclusively for OSADL members or participants with login.

COOL Presentations and video clips (Member or participant login required to display material of advanced lectures)

Privacy policy

When you register for participation in the event you agree that the personal data you enter in the registration form will be processed at OSADL as necessary (see our privacy policy).

You may revoke this agreement at any time by email, mail or phone using the communication data provided at the imprint page, but this will also cancel your registration.


Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have further questions:
Andrea Ruf
Phone.: +49 6221 98504 13