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2025-03-04 - 00:12

Dates and Events:

OSADL Articles:

2024-10-02 12:00

Linux is now an RTOS!

PREEMPT_RT is mainline - What's next?

2023-11-12 12:00

Open Source License Obligations Checklists even better now

Import the checklists to other tools, create context diffs and merged lists

2023-03-01 12:00

Embedded Linux distributions

Results of the online "wish list"

2022-01-13 12:00

Phase #3 of OSADL project on OPC UA PubSub over TSN successfully completed

Another important milestone on the way to interoperable Open Source real-time Ethernet has been reached

2021-02-09 12:00

Open Source OPC UA PubSub over TSN project phase #3 launched

Letter of Intent with call for participation is now available

OSADL Special Events

OSADL Special Events

One-and-a-half-day workshop
on software license scanning and data curation:
Open Source license compliance with FOSSology

February 21 and 22, 2024

The workshop will take place in Heidelberg/Germany at
Conference Center in the TP (Heidelberg Technology Park)
Im Neuenheimer Feld 582, 2nd floor
69120 Heidelberg/Germany

Workshop agenda - Registration - AccommodationHow to get there Presentations (member or participant login required)

Workshop description

While reusing Open Source software components in products saves a lot of individual development resources, licensing them correctly adds new tasks to the development and release cycle. Luckily, there is a number of Open Source tools and projects available - such as the Open Source scanning tool FOSSology and the curation database OSSelot - to help with these tasks. The OSADL one-and-a-half-day workshop on Open Source license compliance with FOSSology intends to give participants an understanding of Open Source licensing and the skills to fulfill license obligations in practice. In particular, it will focus on the challenges that arise when scanning and curating an Open Source software package and how to handle them. Therefore, it is split into presentations with theoretical and practical background (first half-day) and several hands-on sessions with FOSSology (second day) where participants can apply what they learned on the OSADL FOSSology instance before. Details are given in the agenda below.

We are very pleased that Dr. Till Jaeger and Dr. Lisa Käde from JBB Rechtsanwälte will be contributing their legal expertise to this workshop and Oliver Fendt, the maintainer of the OSSelot project repository, will share his experience in curating Open Source software with the participants.

In the evening of the first workshop day, participants are cordially invited to a joint dinner in the old town of Heidelberg, where there will also be plenty of opportunity to exchange ideas with the workshop speakers and tutors.

Recommended audience / Prerequisites

This workshop is recommended for anybody who is interested in learning about Open Source license compliance, and in particular for anyone who is tasked with scanning and curating Open Source software.

Participants of the workshop should have basic knowledge of Open Source licensing. No particular experience with FOSSology is required.

Access to FOSSology - Recommended equipment

Participants will need to bring their own notebook with Wi-Fi to get access to the OSADL FOSSology server with individual login data that will be given out on the workshop day. FOSSology can be operated from any commonly used Web browser.

Workshop agenda

Trainers and Speakers

(Click on title to expand display.)

External workshop speakers and tutors:

  • Oliver Fendt: Oliver Fendt studied telecommunication engineering. After his studies he started his career as a software developer at Siemens. He took several positions as a software developer and project leader. In 2003 he moved on to Siemens Corporate Technology (today it is called Siemens Technology) where he became responsible for Open Source license compliance. He has more than 21 years experience in Open Source software, its license conditions and how to comply with the various licenses. During this time, he kicked off several initiatives to reduce the cost of license compliance work. He has profound expertise in all areas of Open Source license compliance. Last but not least, Oliver is maintaining the "package analysis" repository that forms the basis for the OSSelot project.

  • Dr. Till Jaeger, JBB Rechtsanwälte: Till Jaeger has been a partner at JBB Rechtsanwaelte since 2001. He is a Certified Copyright and Media Law Attorney and advises large and medium-sized IT businesses as well as government authorities and software developers on matters involving contracts, licensing and IP rights. Established in 1999, JBB Rechtsanwaelte is a law firm dealing with legal matters arising out of the complex high-tech, entertainment and information technology industry.
    One particular focus of Till Jaeger's work is on the legal issues created by Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). He is co-founder of the Institute for Legal Aspects of Free & Open Source Software (ifrOSS), contributing to its work with academic publications, lectures and seminars in the fields of software law and copyright law. He provides advice on compliance with Open Source licenses and on compatibility issues, and helps developers and software companies to enforce licenses both in Germany and abroad.
    Till Jaeger is general counsel of OSADL.
    He represented the project in several lawsuits to enforce the GPL and has published several articles and books related to legal questions of Free and Open Source Software (among them Jaeger/Metzger, Open Source Software - Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen der Freien Software, 5th ed. Munich 2020, and Van den Brande/Coughlan/Jaeger - The International FOSS Law Book, 2nd ed Munich 2014). He was member of the Committee C in the GPLv3 drafting process.

  • Dr. Lisa Käde, JBB Rechtsanwälte: Lisa Käde has been working as a lawyer for JBB Rechtsanwälte since 2023. Her legal practice focuses on legal issues in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) as well as Open Source software (OSS).
    She holds a B.Sc. in business informatics and has a passion for web development and legal tech. At the Center for Applied Legal Studies (ZAR) of the Karlsruhe Intitute of Technology, she was a legal researcher until 2023. Her research focused on copyright issues and questions of explainability of machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence. Her PhD thesis (titled "Kreative Maschinen und Urheberrecht" - "Creative Machines and Copyright") was published in 2021. She is a member of the German chapter of Creative Commons and has been an active member of the Institute of Free and Open Source Software (ifrOSS) for many years. She is a manager at RAILS (Robotics & AI Law Society e.V.).

OSADL workshop team:

  • Jan Altenberg, OSADL: Jan Altenberg has more than 20 years of experience in developing and maintaining Embedded Linux systems. Jan studied information technologies at the University of Cooperative Education in Stuttgart (Germany). From 2002 - 2006 he was involved in the OCEAN project, a European research project, which defined an open controller platform based on real-time Linux and real-time CORBA. From 2007 to 2019 he worked for Linutronix as a Consultant, Trainer and Head of Technical sales. From April 2019 to 2021 he worked as Open-Source Technology Expert and Open-Source Compliance Officer for Continental Automotive GmbH. Since October 2021 Jan works as Senior Open Source Consultant and Embedded Systems Integrator at the Open Source Automation Development Lab (OSADL) eG. Jan is a frequent speaker on several conferences. He has been awarded with the "best speaker award" at the Embedded Software Engineering Congress in Sindelfingen (Germany) several times.

  • Carsten Emde, OSADL: Carsten Emde has a long history of professional activities in the field of software development, system integration and training, particularly for embedded system software. Carsten is specialized on graphical user interface, robotics, real-time systems and on legal and business aspects of using Open Source software in industry. He has been managing OSADL since its foundation in 2005.

  • Caren Kresse, OSADL: Caren Kresse holds a Master degree in Physics. Already during her studies she used and appreciated the large amount of Open Source software and she became acquainted with all aspects of Open Source communities. In particular, she specialized on legal aspects of conveying Open Source software and has been working on various aspects of Open Source license compliance with OSADL since 2018. Among others, Caren leads the OSADL Open Source Policy project and is deeply involved in the OSADL License Obligations Checklists project. Furthermore, she maintains the OSADL Container Base Image and the project page for the OSSelot curation database where she also contributes curated compliance data.


Please register using the online registration form available here: Registration

The number of participants of this workshop is limited to 40 persons. The available workshop seats will be allocated on a "first come - first served" basis. We ask for your understanding that due to the limited number of participants, we can only accept a maximum of two participants per company.

Any additional interested persons will be added to a waiting list and informed if there are free spaces left or if there will be a repetition of the workshop in the future.

Workshop participation fee

  • Employees of regular OSADL members, associate OSADL members and academic OSADL members: free access. Please select the check box "OSADL member" when registering.
  • Regular workshop fee for non-members: EUR 900 per person. Please select the check box "Not an OSADL member" when registering. An invoice will be sent to the given address shortly after the registration. 

All given prices are net prices per person exclusive VAT.

Privacy policy

When you register for participation at the event you agree that the personal data you enter in the registration form will be processed at OSADL (see OSADL privacy policy). You may revoke this agreement at any time by email, mail or phone using the communication data provided at the OSADL imprint page but this will also cancel your registration.

Workshop language

The workshop language is English. The presentation material will be in English, too.

Workshop presentations

The presentations of the workshop will be available here after the workshop: Workshop presentations (member or participant login required to display presentation material)

Joint dinner

In the evening of the first workshop day (February 21, 2024) a guest space has been reserved for dinner at 7 pm at a restaurant in the old town of Heidelberg and all participants are invited to join:

Kulturbrauerei Heidelberg AG
Leyergasse 6
69117 Heidelberg
Tel: +49 6221 502980
Public transportation: Link VRN Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Neckar
Closest parking possibility: Parking garage P13 Karlsplatz/Rathaus, Karlsplatz, 69117 Heidelberg.

If you wish to attend the dinner, please make sure that the "dinner" check box is ticked when registering for the workshop.


For accommodation, please find below a small selection of hotels that are reasonably close to the workshop location or are located in Heidelberg's old town:

  • IBIS Hotel Hauptbahnhof (approx. 2 km, very close to main train station)
    Willy-Brandt-Platz 3, 69115 Heidelberg, Phone: +49 6221 9130
  • Star Inn Hotel & Suites Premium Heidelberg, by Quality (approx. 3 km)
    Speyerer Straße 9/ Gottlieb- Daimler- Straße, 69115 Heidelberg
    Phone: +49 6221 36 00 0
  • Hotel NH Heidelberg (approx. 2,5 km)
    Bergheimer Str. 91, 69115 Heidelberg, Phone: +49 6221 13270
  • Hotel Kulturbrauerei Heidelberg (approx. 4 km, located in Heidelberg's old town)
    Leyergasse 6, 69117 Heidelberg, Phone: +49 6221 502980
  • Hotel Weisser Bock (approx. 3,6 km, located in Heidelberg's old town)
    Große Mantelgasse 24, 69117  Heidelberg, Phone: +49 6221 90000
  • HipHotel (approx. 3,5 km, located in Heidelberg's old town)
    Hauptstraße 115, 69117 Heidelberg, phone +6221 20879

How to get to the TP Conference Center of Heidelberg Technology Park?

The FOSSology workshop will take place at the TP ConferenceCenter im Technologiepark Heidelberg (TP ConferenceCenter at Heidelberg Technology Park), Im Neuenheimer Feld 582 in 69120 Heidelberg/Germany.

By car:
A map to calculate directions to the TP ConferenceCenter im Technologiepark Heidelberg is available here. A limited number of parking spaces is available and will be reserved for workshop participants.

Public transportation:
The TP ConferenceCenter im Technologiepark Heidelberg is located about 2.5 kilometers away from Heidelberg main railway station. From there, the electric tram line RNV 24 direction „Handschuhsheim” takes about seven minutes. Please leave the tram at stop „Technologiepark”. The ConferenceCenter can be reached from there in a short walk. How to get to TP ConferenceCenter by public transportation.


We would appreciate if workshop participants completed and submitted the feedback questionnaire that will be handed out at the end of the workshop. This will help us better meet the requirements and consider suggestions for future events.


Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have further questions:
Andrea Ruf
Phone.: +49 6221 98504 13