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2025-03-12 - 04:49
Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of Computer Science, Chair of Operating Systems (TUDOS)

With more than 2500 students, the Faculty of Computer Science of the TU Dresden is one of Germany's largest education centers in the field of computer science. The faculty offers a total of twelve different types of final qualifications such as diploma, Master's degree, Bachelor's degree and a degree in teacher education studies. In addition to Computer Science and Media and Computer Science, there are five other courses to choose from. These include two Master's degree programs which are held in English.

The Operating Systems Group

The TUD:OS (TU Dresden Operating Systems) group's objective is to reduce complexity for critical systems by orders of magnitude. To this end, we research, develop and use our own micro-kernel and virtualization technology. We use micro-kernels to componentise critical parts of systems and virtualisation to enable reuse of legacy software for uncritical parts.

It is our objective to combine ambitious systems research with profound education in operating systems and related areas. We try to push research and development far enough such that its results can be used outside of our group, for example by other research groups or as starting points for industrial partners.


Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of Computer Science, Chair of Operating Systems (TUDOS), Dresden, Germany, Web