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2025-02-05 - 16:45

OSADL Service Offers

Quality assurance of processors and boards at the OSADL QA Farm

OSADL members and non-members may have their computer boards tested and monitored at the OSADL QA farm. OSADL member companies may run one QA farm system per OSADL share free of charge, and additional systems are highly subsidized. Please refer to this description of the OSADL board monitoring service for details.

The OSADL Quick Linux Compliance Check

Unsure whether you need legal support? Simply use this quick license compliance check.

License Compliance Audit (LCA)

Unsure whether your Open Source products comply with the respective license obligations? Then the OSADL License Audit (LCA) is for you. A certified copyright and media law attorney and a software copyright specialist will audit the documentation and software distribution of a particular product.


OSADL is providing or procuring software development and system integration consulting. This service also is highly subsidized for OSADL members. Details along with a pricelist are available here.