Dates and Events:
OSADL Articles:
2023-11-12 12:00
Open Source License Obligations Checklists even better now![]() Import the checklists to other tools, create context diffs and merged lists
2022-07-11 12:00
Call for participation in phase #4 of Open Source OPC UA open62541 support project![]() Letter of Intent fulfills wish list from recent survey
2022-01-13 12:00
Phase #3 of OSADL project on OPC UA PubSub over TSN successfully completed![]() Another important milestone on the way to interoperable Open Source real-time Ethernet has been reached
2021-02-09 12:00
Open Source OPC UA PubSub over TSN project phase #3 launched![]() Letter of Intent with call for participation is now available |
Real Time Linux Workshops
1999 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009
First Real Time Linux Workshop on December 13 to 15, 1999 in Vienna, Austria
Announcement - Agenda - Paper Presentations - Participants - Discussions
Adolf Proidl | Philips Technology Center GmbH (COMMERCIAL) | Austria | USER |
Alexander Cherkashin | Wageningen University (UNIVERSITY) | The Netherlands | USER |
Anders Blomdell | Department of Automatic Control (UNIVERSITY) | Sweden | RESEARCH |
Andrii Nykyforchyn | University of Saarland (UNIVERSITY) | Germany | USER |
Arnold Niessen | Philips Research Laboratories (COMMERCIAL) | The Netherlands | RESEARCH |
Axel Dittrich | AGFA Gevaert AG (COMMERCIAL) | Germany | USER |
Bernhard Kuhn | Deutsches Linux-Magazin | Germany | LINUX-FAN |
Jushin Lee | ETRI (COMMERCIAL) | Korea | USER |
Christian Ceelen | Universität Karlsruhe (UNIVERSITY) | Germany | OS-DEVELOPER |
Christian Tannert | Firma KRONES AG (COMMERCIAL) | Germany | |
Claus Schroeter | Institut fuer Kristallographie FU-Berlin (UNIVERSITY) | Germany | APP-DEVELOPER |
Daniele Arduini | DEIS - University of Bologna (UNIVERSITY) | Italy | APP-DEVELOPER |
David Austin | Center for Autonomous Systems (UNIVERSITY) | Sweden | RESEARCH |
David Christini | Cornell University Medical College (UNIVERSITY) | USA | RESEARCH |
David Schleef | Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California (UNIVERSITY) | USA | APP-DEVELOPER |
Davor Munda | Iskra SYSEN (COMMERCIAL) | Slovenia | APP-DEVELOPER |
Dieter Hoffmann | Cygnus Solutions (COMMERCIAL) | UK | OS-DEVELOPER |
Dilma Menezes da Silva | University of Sao Paulo (UNIVERSITY) | Brazil | RESEARCH |
Dirk Dueding | 44221 Dortmund | Germany | APP-DEVELOPER |
Douglas Niehaus | Lawrence, KS 66045 | USA | RESEARCH |
Eiken Luebbers | D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld | Germany | APP-DEVELOPER |
Erwin Authried | Softwareentwicklung & Systemdesign (COMMERCIAL) | Austria | APP-DEVELOPER |
Erwin Erkinger | Philips Technology Center (COMMERCIAL) | Austria | APP-DEVELOPER |
Fabien Klein | conexant (COMMERCIAL) | France | APP-DEVELOPER |
Florian Pflug | TGM (UNIVERSITY) | Austria | APP-DEVELOPER |
Franta Kraus | ETH Zuerich, Automatic Control Laboratory (UNIVERSITY) | Switwerland | RESEARCH |
Georg Hülble-Königsberger | Austrian Research Centers (COMMERCIAL) | Austria | APP-DEVELOPER |
Gerald Bacher | UTA Telekom AG (COMMERCIAL) | Austria | LINUX-FAN |
Gerhard Schneider | Institute of Light Weight Structures and Aerospace Engineering (UNIVERSITY) | Austria | LINUX-FAN |
Germond Jean-Jacques | Alcatel (COMMERCIAL) | France | APP-DEVELOPER |
Gilles Ernoult | Education Nationale () | France | USER |
Gudrun Hametner | (PRIVAT) | Austria | RESEARCH |
Guenther Niedoba | Alcatel Austria AG (COMMERCIAL) | Austria | APP-DEVELOPER |
Guido Piasenza | Fidia (COMMERCIAL) | Italy | APP-DEVELOPER |
Günter Kolousek | Austrian Research Centers () | Austria | RESEARCH |
Harald Kornfeil | Cygnus Solutions (COMMERCIAL) | UK | OS-DEVELOPER |
Heinz Haeberle | (PRIVAT) | Germany | APP-DEVELOPER |
Helmut Dohmann | Fachhochschule Fulda, Fachbereich Angewandte Informatik (UNIVERSITY) | Germany | RESEARCH |
Herbert Reichl | Philips Technology Center (COMMERCIAL) | Austria | APP-DEVELOPER |
Herman Bruyninckx | K.U.Leuven (UNIVERSITY) | Belgium | RESEARCH |
Hubert Robitaille | Encore Real Time Computing S.A. (COMMERCIAL) | France | |
Ian Braithwaite | Technical University of Denmark (UNIVERSITY) | Denmark | RESEARCH |
Joachim Pargfrieder | TU Vienna (UNIVERSITY) | Austria | LINUX-FAN |
Jochen Küpper | Heinrich-Heine-Universität (UNIVERSITY) | Germany | APP-DEVELOPER |
John Storrs | Laboratory for Micro Enterprise (COMMERCIAL) | UK | APP-DEVELOPER |
Jürgen Keidel | DASA Telemetry (COMMERCIAL) | Germany | OS-DEVELOPER |
Klaus Steinhammer | TU-Wien (UNIVERSITY) | Austria | APP-DEVELOPER |
Kobal Vros | Iskra SYSEN (COMMERCIAL) | Slovenia | APP-DEVELOPER |
Kurt Renauer | Austrian Research Centers (COMMERCIAL) | Austria | APP-DEVELOPER |
Lars Albertsson | Swedish Institute of Computer Science (UNIVERSITY) | Sweden | RESEARCH |
Leopold Matzinger | SoLogic Electronic Consulting SoLogic (COMMERCIAL) | Austria | APP-DEVELOPER |
Letizia Casella | (PRIVAT) | Italy | APP-DEVELOPER |
Lionel Dobucu | DRFC/STEP Bat 506 CEN Cadarache | France | APP-DEVELOPER |
Lorenzo Dozio | Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale, Politecnico di Milano (UNIVERSITY) | Italy | APP-DEVELOPER |
Luis Miguel Pinho | Polytechnic Institute of Porto (UNIVERSITY) | Portugal | RESEARCH |
Manfred Hollstein | Cygnus Solution (COMMERCIAL) | Germany | OS-DEVELOPER |
Marco Sanvido | Automatic Control Laboratory (UNIVERSITY) | Switzerland | RESEARCH |
Marianne | orf (COMMERCIAL) | Austria | RESEARCH |
Markus Kempf | Saarland University (UNIVERSITY) | Germany | USER |
Martin Fend | Inst. of Physiology - Univ. Graz (UNIVERSITY) | Austria | APP-DEVELOPER |
Martin Knespel | Philips Technology Center GmbH (COMMERCIAL) | Austria | USER |
Martina Umlauft | TU Wien (Studentin) (UNIVERSITY) | Austria | USER |
Massimo Nitti | Dipartimento Sistemi e Informatica Firenze (UNIVERSITY) | Italy | RESEARCH |
Michael Jochum | TU-Wien (PRIVAT) | Austria | LINUX-FAN |
Michael Lambeck | (PRIVAT) | Germany | LINUX-FAN |
Mike Cherepov | VenturCom (COMMERCIAL) | USA | OS-DEVELOPER |
Mohammad Khalid Khan | TU-Dresden (UNIVERSITY) | Germany. | USER |
Nicholas Mc Guire | Uni-Wien Inst. f. Materialphysik (UNIVERSITY) | Austria | LINUX-FAN |
Nick Garnett | Cygnus Solutions | UK | LINUX-FAN |
Ossi Laakkonen | Lappeenranta university of technology (UNIVERSITY) | Finland | RESEARCH |
P. Mourot | Alcatel (COMMERCIAL) | France | USER |
Paulo Mantegazza | Diparimentao di Ingegneria Aeorspaziale, Politecnico di Milano | Italy | APP-DEVELOPER |
Peter Croy | UTA Telekom AG (COMMERCIAL) | Austria | LINUX-FAN |
Peter Hillinger | Agfa Gevaert AG (COMMERCIAL) | Germany | APP-DEVELOPER |
Peter Wurmsdobler | Centre de Tranfert des Microtechniques (COMMERCIAL) | France | APP-DEVELOPER |
Phil Wilshire | Kaiser Aluminum (COMMERCIAL) | USA | APP-DEVELOPER |
Philipp Guehring | Futureware 2001 (COMMERCIAL) | Austria | APP-DEVELOPER |
Philipp Kampas | (PRIVAT) | Austria | LINUX-FAN |
Philippe Vivarelli | CONEXANT SYSTEMS (COMMERCIAL) | France | RESEARCH |
Ragunathan Rajkumar | Real-time & Multimedia Systems Lab, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University (UNIVERSITY) | USA | RESEARCH |
Ralf Schlatterbeck | Frequentis Nachrichtentechnik (COMMERCIAL) | Austria | APP-DEVELOPER |
Reinhard Kopka | EFKON (COMMERCIAL) | Austria | APP-DEVELOPER |
Rick Bronson | Amazonia Computing (PRIVAT) | USA | OS-DEVELOPER |
Rick Jafrate | Mitek/Kaiser (PRIVAT) | USA | APP-DEVELOPER |
Robert Trausmuth | Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt (UNIVERSITY) | Austria | RESEARCH |
Sebastian Dormido | U.N.E.D. (Dpto. Informatica y Automatica) (UNIVERSITY) | Spain | RESEARCH |
Stefan Großberger | TU-Wien (UNIVERSITY) | Austria | APP-DEVELOPER |
Stefan Jakubek | Institute of Machine und Process Automation | Austria | LINUX-FAN |
Steve Papacharalambous | Zentropix Computing LLC (COMMERCIAL) | USA | OS-DEVELOPER |
Stuard Hughes | Zentropix Computing LLC (COMMERCIAL) | USA | APP-DEVELOPER |
Targetti Marco | dip. sistemi informatica firenze (UNIVERSITY) | Italy | APP-DEVELOPER |
Thomas Baier | kirchner SOFT GmbH (COMMERCIAL) | Austria | APP-DEVELOPER |
Thomas Nietschke | BMC Messsysteme (COMMERCIAL) | Germany | APP-DEVELOPER |
Thomas Perizonius | ALSTOM DCG (COMMERCIAL) | Germany | APP-DEVELOPER |
Tom Sys | Univertity of Gent, Department of Information Technology (UNIVERSITY) | Belgium | RESEARCH |
Tomasz Motylewski | University of Basel (UNIVERSITY) | Switzerland | USER |
Tushin Lee | ETRI (COMMERCIAL) | Korea | USER |
Vivarelli Philippe | conexant (COMMERCIAL) | France | APP-DEVELOPER |
Werner Kastanek | Alcatel Austria AG (COMMERCIAL) | Austria | OS-DEVELOPER |
Wolfgang Denk | DENX Software Engineering (COMMERCIAL) | Germany | OS-DEVELOPER |
Yu-Chung Wang | UC Irvine (UNIVERSITY) | USA | RESEARCH |