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2025-03-03 - 11:42

Dates and Events:

OSADL Articles:

2024-10-02 12:00

Linux is now an RTOS!

PREEMPT_RT is mainline - What's next?

2023-11-12 12:00

Open Source License Obligations Checklists even better now

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Embedded Linux distributions

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Phase #3 of OSADL project on OPC UA PubSub over TSN successfully completed

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2021-02-09 12:00

Open Source OPC UA PubSub over TSN project phase #3 launched

Letter of Intent with call for participation is now available

OSADL Special Events

OSADL Special Events

OSADL Networking Week 2021

"OPC UA PubSub over TSN using open62541 and beyond"

Virtual, by live video streams and video conference
Session I - Monday, June 14, 2021 - 10am to 12pm CEST
Session II - Tuesday, June 15, 2021 - 2pm to 4pm CEST
Session III - Wednesday, June 16, 2021 - 10am to 12pm CEST
Session IV - Thursday, June 17, 2021 - 2pm to 4pm CEST


This year, the traditional face-to-face OSADL Networking Day in Heidelberg will be, once again, transformed into an online OSADL Networking Week with daily two-hour sessions over four consecutive days. The daily two-hour sessions will consist of live video stream presentations followed by a discussion via video conference, alternating in the morning and in the afternoon.

The OSADL Networking Week will take place from Monday, June 14 to Thursday, June 17, 2021. All OSADL regular, associate and academic members are cordially invited to attend the virtual OSADL Networking Week. We would be very pleased if, as in years before, the mix of specialist presentations on a current topic and the opportunity for discussion motivated many OSADL members to participate. In addition, non-member participants who are interested in OSADL and its work may also attend.

The topic of the OSADL Networking Week 2021 is "OPC UA PubSub over TSN using open62541 and beyond".


When a couple of years ago the decision was made to select OPC UA PubSub over TSN as the future worldwide standard for real-time communication it was clear that we will have a long way to go. And based on the 802.1 Qxx standardization schedule it was also relatively clear how this way would look like. However, it was less clear how the various software components could be realized and how their development would be funded. Pretty quickly, it became evident that the independence that such a worldwide universal protocol requires can only be achieved with an implementation by an Open Source community. One of these Open Source communities is the initially publicly funded open62541 project that was started a couple of years ago and is maintained, among others, by Fraunhofer IOSB. One of the important contributors to this project is the India-based company Kalycito Infotech. These two companies accepted to become operative partners in an OSADL managed and so-called mixed-funded project named "Building an Open Source OPC UA over TSN Ecosystem". This project has now reached the third phase, and the OSADL Networking Week 2021 is a welcome opportunity to present the various achievements of this project and to put it into a larger context.


The four sessions of the OSADL Networking Week on "OPC UA PubSub over TSN using open62541 and beyond" will take place virtually by live video streams. The discussion rounds at the end of each session will take place by video conference. Information how to access the live video streams and subsequent discussions will be sent to the registered participants prior to the event.

Monday, June 14, 2021 - 10:00am to 12:00pm CEST
Session I - History and current status of the open62541 community project

10:00am – 10:15am CEST  - Welcome and introduction, Dr. Carsten Emde, OSADL

10:15am  – 11:00am CEST  - open62541 - The maintainer perspective, Dr.-Ing. Julius Pfrommer, Fraunhofer IOSB

11:00am  – 11:45am CEST  - The state of OPC UA security (Market study and security analysis of popular SDK), Dr.-Ing. Christian Haas, Fraunhofer IOSB, Jens Mehrfeld, Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik

Approx. 11:45am – 12:00pm CEST - Discussion round via video conference

Tuesday, June 15, 2021 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm CEST
Session II - Combining OPC UA with Time Sensitive Networking (TSN)

2:00pm – 2:15pm CEST  - Short recap of lectures given in previous sessions, Dr. Carsten Emde, OSADL

2:15pm  – 3:00pm CEST - Theory and practice of TSN for Linux real-time communication, Héctor Blanco Alcaine, Intel

3:00pm – 3:45pm CEST - Concept of centralized user configuration in TSN for industrial use cases, Martin Polster, Siemens

Approx. 3:45pm - 4:00pm CEST - Discussion round via video conference

Wednesday, June 16, 2021 - 10:00am to 12:00pm CEST
Session III - Considerations when using open62541 for OPC UA PubSub over TSN in real-world embedded systems

10:00am – 10:15am CEST  - Short recap of lectures given in previous sessions, Dr. Carsten Emde, OSADL

10:15am  – 10:45am CEST - Obligations of the Mozilla 2.0 Open Source license and how they are best fulfilled, Caren Kresse, OSADL

10:45am – 11:15am CEST   - How to use the quick start guide to set up an OPC UA PubSub over TSN system and generate real-time performance data, Bhagath Karunakaran, Kalycito Infotech

11:15am  – 11:45am CEST  - OPC UA PubSub over TSN systems under test in the OSADL QA Farm, Dr. Carsten Emde, OSADL

Approx. 11:45am - 12:00pm CEST - Discussion round via video conference

Thursday, June 17, 2021 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm CEST
Session IV - OPC UA in a larger context

2:00pm – 2:15pm CEST  - Short recap of lectures given in previous sessions, Dr. Carsten Emde, OSADL

2:15pm  – 2:45pm CEST - Current status of the node-opcua project, Etienne Rossignon, STERFIVE

2:45pm – 3:15pm CEST  - Functional safety for machine-to-machine communication with OPC UA Part15: Safety, Dr. Max Walter, Siemens

3:15pm  – 3:45pm CEST - Outlook of the future of OPC UA PubSub over TSN in industrial real-time communication, Stefan Bina, B&R Industrial Automation

Approx. 3:45pm - 4:00pm CEST - Discussion round via video conference

Download the agenda as PDF file

The presentations of the OSADL Networking Day will be available here after the event (member or participant login required)

About the speakers

(Speakers in alphabetical order)

- Stefan Bina, B&R Industrial Automation: Stefan Bina is responsible for Product Management of Industrial IoT Network Solutions and technology marketing at the headquarter of B&R Industrial Automation. Thereby he focuses communication technologies such as OPC UA (over TSN) and POWERLINK. He is a strong supporter of open standards since they are the enablers of an Industrial IoT transformation. Before his current position at B&R, Stefan worked for several companies in the field of electrical engineering and automation, like Baumüller, Bilfinger and Fronius. He received his M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering and business from the University of Technology Graz in Austria.

- Hector Blanco Alcaine, Intel: Hector Blanco Alcaine is a Software Application Engineer at Intel Germany, focused on real-time systems and Time Sensitive Networking. He works with leading companies, as well as cutting-edge Intel teams, to port, optimize, enhance, and help bring to market software solutions, using Intel's latest and upcoming platforms and technologies, as well as improving future product generations. His current focus is TSN developer enabling, encompassing compute, memory, I/O and communication technologies to guarantee end-to-end determinism on a variety of targets. He holds a MSc in Computer Science and a Bachelor in Industrial Electronics and Automated Control Engineering.

- Dr. Carsten Emde, OSADL: Carsten Emde has a long history of professional activities in the field of software development, system integration and training, particularly for embedded system software. He is specialized on graphical user interface, robotics, real-time systems and on legal and business aspects of using Open Source software in industry. He has been managing OSADL since its foundation in 2005.

- Dr.-Ing. Christian Haas, Fraunhofer IOSB:

- Bhagath Karunakaran, Kalycito Infotech:  Bhagath Karunakaran is a first-generation entrepreneur. He aspires to create a positive difference in the lives of every human being through the use of engineering and technology. He believes that the interoperability-challenges faced in the equipment world makes life inefficient for everyone and is passionate about solving them. Bhagath founded Kalycito in 2007 - an Industry 4.0 Technology Solutions & Software Integration Services business that focuses on empowering customers in their digital transformation projects.

- Caren Kresse, OSADL: Caren Kresse holds a Master degree in Physics. Already during her studies she used and appreciated the large amount of Open Source software and she became acquainted with all aspects of Open Source communities. In particular, Caren specialized on legal aspects of conveying Open Source software and has been working on various aspects of Open Source license compliance with OSADL since 2018. Among others, she leads the OSADL Open Source Policy project and is deeply involved in the OSADL License Obligations Checklists project.

- Jens Mehrfeld, Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik:

- Dr.-Ing. Julius Pfrommer, Fraunhofer IOSB:

- Martin Polster, Siemens: Martin Polster received two Master of Science degrees in Information and Communications Technology and in Computer Science in 2019 from Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg. As part of his studies, Martin spent a semester abroad at Harvard University in Cambridge, USA where he designed an evidence-based software for the health care sector. He also holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electrical Engineering and a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering. While still studying, Martin started his career as Development Engineer at Siemens AG in Erlangen where his focus is on software close to hardware for embedded systems.

- Etienne Rossignon, STERFIVE:

- Dr. Max Walter, Siemens: Dr. Max Walter is Principial Key Expert for functional safety in factory automation at Siemens AG, Digital Industries. He is located in Nürnberg, Germany. One of his main interests is functional safety for communication. He is the chairman of the working group "PROFIsafe" at Profibus & Profinet International (PI), and heads the joint working group OPC UA Safety (PI and OPC-Foundation). At PI, he is also in charge of the course PROFIsafe Certified Designer, aimed at architects of safety devices implementing PROFIsafe. Moreover, he is active in national and international standardization, in the area of functional safe communication (IEC61784-3). Before changing over to Siemens in 2011, Max Walter worked more than 10 years as scientist and lecturer at Technische Universität München, Institut für Informatik. His area of interest was computer architecture and stochastic modeling, with a focus on fault-tolerant computing.

Conference language

The conference language of the 2021 OSADL Networking Week is English. All presentation material will be in English, too.

Access to the Networking Week

The OSADL Networking Week 2021 primarily is an internal OSADL event and all OSADL regular, associate and academic members are invited to participate. However, we are glad to also accept non-member participants who are interested in OSADL's work and this year's topic.


For registration please use the registration form available here: Registration. Please register before June 11, 2021. The Networking Week live video stream sessions may be booked either separately or as package. Please check the desired day or days when registering.

Information how to access the sessions consisting of live video streams and subsequent discussions by video conference will be sent to the registered participants prior to the event. The live video streams can be displayed on every today's standard browser. However, to participate in the "questions and discussion" rounds by video conference please use Google Chrome, Chromium, Opera, Chrome-based Edge or Firefox version 78.0 or higher as your browser. For users of smartphone or tablet computers, the App Jitsi-Meet is needed.

How to ask questions during the sessions?

Questions can be asked orally or via chat function in the daily online discussion rounds by video conference (to use the chat function requires to enter your name in the Jitsi meeting: Settings -> Profile -> Display name).

If you have questions already during the video stream sessions, please do not hesitate to submit them to us using our online form: Question form

Your questions will be answered either live at the end of each video stream session or in the online discussion, and either way directly by email.


We would appreciate if participants of the OSADL Networking Week completed and submitted the following feedback questionnaire in order to better meet their requirements and consider their suggestions in future events: Feedback sheet.

Thanks a lot in advance for your comments!

Privacy policy

When you register for participation at the event you agree that your personal data entered in the registration form will be processed at OSADL as necessary (see our privacy policy).

You may revoke this agreement at any time by email, mail or phone using the communication data provided at the imprint page, but this will also cancel your registration.


Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have further questions:
Andrea Ruf
Phone.: +49 6221 98504 13