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Online hands-on workshop: OPC UA with open62541
Booked out
Two-day hands-on workshop:
OPC UA with open62541
November 24 and 25, 2022
The workshop will take place online.
Workshop agenda - Registration - Presentations (member or participant login required)
Workshop description
When a couple of years ago searching for a suitable protocol that permits to exchange data between a wide variety of producers and subscribers and also across a wide variety of industries, OPC UA was the protocol of choice. The initially publicly funded open62541 project was very welcome at this time since this software was available under an Open Source license and thus allowed unrestricted use. However, until then OPC UA was only used in a limited number of applications and, therefore, knowledge and field experience was not widespread available. As a consequence, OSADL was repeatedly asked to offer training courses and workshops to help engineers acquire knowledge of OPC UA and particularly of the open62541 SDK.
The named open62541 SDK is maintained by a working group at Fraunhofer IOSB and we therefore are very glad that the Fraunhofer IOSB engineers agreed to organize and realize the workshop together with us.
The workshop is an online event. Originally, the workshop was planned to take place in hybrid form, with possibility to participate either onsite at the Karlsruher Forschungsfabrik or online. Due to the very low number of registrations for the onsite option, it was now decided to hold the workshop as an online event only.
The workshop consists of presentations and hands-on-sessions. In order to better cater for the different levels of prior knowledge of the participants, there will be two parallel hands-on sessions: one for participants with no or only basic knowledge of OPC UA (parallel session I - basic) and one for participants with good to very good prior knowledge of OPC UA (parallel session II - advanced). When registering, participants are asked to indicate which of the parallel hands-on session they would like to attend. On the first workshop day a help desk session is offered, where participants can join in at any time for technical check-up and ensure proper access to server and database.
Recommended audience / Prerequisites
This workshop is recommended for everybody who is interested in the OPC UA technology and its practical use. This comprises but is not limited to software developers, project managers and system integrators.
Regarding the hands-on parts, there will be two parallel sessions: basic level and advanced level.
- Prerequisites for the basic hands-on sessions:
- Basic knowledge of C programming
- Basic knowledge of network configuration and client/server techniques
- Basic idea what this protocol is used for, but no special previous knowledge about OPC UA necessary
- Desirable: Design of an OPC UA application of your company (either current or planned)
- Prerequisites for the advanced hands-on sessions (in addition to the above):
- More profound knowledge of the OPC UA protocol stack and its API
- Desirable: Previous practical experience with OPC UA client/server applications
- General installation prerequisites and documentation:
- Please refer to the chapter Building open62541 of the project's online documentation.
Recommended equipment
Participants are asked to bring along (onsite participants) or should have at their disposal (online participants) the following equipment:
- Notebook
- 220 Volt power supply
- Network connector RJ45 100 Mb/s or 1 Gb/s
- Local network installation and configuration via DHCP
- Windows or Linux operating system, equipped with toolchain to produce locally executable programs written in C99
To ensure that every participant has the appropriate equipment to follow the workshop without any technical hassle, on workshop day 1 a help desk is offered before the workshop starts. We recommend all participants to join the online helpdesk at any time between 12pm and 1pm.
Workshop agenda
Trainers and Speakers
(Click on title to expand display.)
Workshop presentations
The presentations of the workshop will be available here after the workshop: Workshop presentations (member or participant login required to display presentations and video clips)
Workshop participation fee
- Employees of regular OSADL members, associate OSADL members and academic OSADL members: free access (please select the check box "OSADL member" when registering)
- Regular workshop fee for non-members: EUR 750 per person. Please select the check box "Not an OSADL member" when registering. An invoice will be sent to the given address shortly after the registration.
All given prices are net prices per person exclusive VAT.
Access data for the workshop
The access data will be sent to the registered participants shortly before the workshop.
Workshop language
The workshop language is English. The presentation material will be in English, too.
We would appreciate if workshop participants completed and submitted the workshop feedback questionnaire in order to better meet their requirements and consider their suggestions in future events: Feedback sheet. Thanks in advance.
Privacy policy
When you register for participation at the event you agree that the personal data you enter in the registration form will be processed at OSADL (see OSADL privacy policy).
You may revoke this agreement at any time by email, mail or phone using the communication data provided at the OSADL imprint page but this will also cancel your registration.
Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have further questions:
Andrea Rufofficeª
Phone.: +49 6221 98504 13