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2024-07-16 - 08:47


Feedback form Heidelberg OSADL Talks (HOT) - Technical HOT on May 15, 2024

Thank you for joining the online edition of Technical HOT on May 15, 2024. In order to better meet your requirements and consider your suggestions in future events, we kindly ask you to complete and submit the following questionnaire:

1. General: Technical HOT on May 15, 2024...
2. Topics: The topics discussed during the Technical HOT session ...

3. Presentations...
4. Quality of audiovisual presentation material (readability, comprehensiveness, etc.): Was the audiovisual presentation material adequate or could it be better adapted to the online format? The audiovisual presentation material was ...
5. Practical demos: Were the practical demos comprehensible and was it clear what we wanted to explain or did the demos suffer from the online transmission? The practical demos shown during Technical HOT were ...
6. Transmission technology - Please let us know which transmission channels worked best for you:
7. The ASK OSADL session ...
8. Technical HOT in the future. I would prefer that ...
9. Please let us have your comments and suggestions here and tell us what you liked in particular and what you did not like. You may also include topics you wish to be included in future HOT events:
9. You may provide your name and email address here in case you wish us to respond to your feedback (optional):

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