USE CASE Source code delivery YOU MUST Reference License text OSL-3.0 YOU MUST Search License acceptance ATTRIBUTE Reasonable IF Software modification YOU MUST Grant License ATTRIBUTE Original license YOU MUST Forward Copyright notices YOU MUST Forward Patent notices YOU MUST Forward Trademark notices YOU MUST Forward License notice YOU MUST Provide Modification notice YOU MUST NOT Promote USE CASE Binary delivery YOU MUST Reference License text OSL-3.0 YOU MUST Search License acceptance ATTRIBUTE Reasonable IF Software modification YOU MUST Grant License ATTRIBUTE Original license EITHER YOU MUST Include Source code Of Modification ATTRIBUTE Machine-readable OR YOU MUST Provide Delayed source code delivery Of Modification ATTRIBUTE Machine-readable ATTRIBUTE Via Internet ATTRIBUTE No profit ATTRIBUTE Duration As long as distributed YOU MUST NOT Promote USE CASE Network services YOU MUST Reference License text OSL-3.0 YOU MUST Search License acceptance ATTRIBUTE Reasonable IF Software modification YOU MUST Grant License ATTRIBUTE Original license YOU MUST NOT Promote COMPATIBILITY 0BSD COMPATIBILITY Artistic-2.0 COMPATIBILITY blessing COMPATIBILITY BlueOak-1.0.0 COMPATIBILITY BSD-1-Clause COMPATIBILITY BSD-2-Clause COMPATIBILITY BSD-2-Clause-Patent COMPATIBILITY BSD-3-Clause COMPATIBILITY BSD-3-Clause-Open-MPI COMPATIBILITY BSD-Source-Code COMPATIBILITY BSL-1.0 COMPATIBILITY CC0-1.0 COMPATIBILITY curl COMPATIBILITY EFL-2.0 COMPATIBILITY EUPL-1.1 COMPATIBILITY EUPL-1.2 COMPATIBILITY FSFAP COMPATIBILITY FSFUL COMPATIBILITY FSFULLR COMPATIBILITY FSFULLRWD COMPATIBILITY HPND COMPATIBILITY IBM-pibs COMPATIBILITY ICU COMPATIBILITY ISC COMPATIBILITY JasPer-2.0 COMPATIBILITY Libpng COMPATIBILITY libpng-2.0 COMPATIBILITY libtiff COMPATIBILITY LicenseRef-scancode-ppp COMPATIBILITY MirOS COMPATIBILITY MIT COMPATIBILITY MIT-CMU COMPATIBILITY NCSA COMPATIBILITY NTP COMPATIBILITY OLDAP-2.8 COMPATIBILITY Saxpath COMPATIBILITY SGI-B-2.0 COMPATIBILITY SMLNJ COMPATIBILITY Spencer-86 COMPATIBILITY SSH-OpenSSH COMPATIBILITY SSH-short COMPATIBILITY SunPro COMPATIBILITY Unicode-DFS-2016 COMPATIBILITY Unlicense COMPATIBILITY UPL-1.0 COMPATIBILITY WTFPL COMPATIBILITY X11 COMPATIBILITY Zlib COMPATIBILITY ZPL-2.0 PATENT HINTS Yes COPYLEFT CLAUSE Yes