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2024-09-01 - 06:15

Dates and Events:

OSADL Articles:

2023-11-12 12:00

Open Source License Obligations Checklists even better now

Import the checklists to other tools, create context diffs and merged lists

2023-03-01 12:00

Embedded Linux distributions

Results of the online "wish list"

2022-01-13 12:00

Phase #3 of OSADL project on OPC UA PubSub over TSN successfully completed

Another important milestone on the way to interoperable Open Source real-time Ethernet has been reached

2021-02-09 12:00

Open Source OPC UA PubSub over TSN project phase #3 launched

Letter of Intent with call for participation is now available

OSADL Projects

OSADL Project: Safety Critical Linux

Presentations 2011

Linux goes safety and takes it to the next level by Carsten Emde, Open Source Automation Development Lab (OSADL) eG

Linux goes safety and takes it to the next level

by Carsten Emde, Open Source Automation Development Lab (OSADL) eG

Web presentation - Download PDF

Validation of Linux for Safety-Related Systems by Christoph Stückjürgen, SIEMENS AG

Validation of Linux for Safety-Related Systems

by Christoph Stückjürgen, SIEMENS AG

Linux as a real-time Hypervisor for the automotive industry by Andreas Platschek, OpenTech, Austria

Linux as a real-time Hypervisor for the automotive industry

by Andreas Platschek, OpenTech, Austria

Web presentation - Download PDF

Efficient Safety Critical Systems Development - Is FLOSS the only answer? by Michaël Friess and Cyrille Comar

Efficient Safety Critical Systems Development - Is FLOSS the only answer?

by Michaël Friess and Cyrille Comar

Web presentation - Download PDF

Finding Misuses of Unsigned Integers in Linux Device Driver Code by Martin Rathgeber, Christoph Zengler and Wolfgang Küchlin, University Tübingen

Finding Misuses of Unsigned Integers in Linux Device Driver Code

by Martin Rathgeber, Christoph Zengler and Wolfgang Küchlin, University Tübingen

Web presentation - Download PDF

Improved Redundancy and Consistency beyond RAID 1 by Roland Kammerer and Benedikt Huber, TU Vienna

Improved Redundancy and Consistency beyond RAID 1

by Roland Kammerer and Benedikt Huber, TU Vienna

Web presentation - Download PDF

Utilizing security methods of FLOSS GPOS for safety by Nicholas Mc Guire, University Lanzhou/OpenTech

Utilizing security methods of FLOSS GPOS for safety

by Nicholas Mc Guire, University Lanzhou/OpenTech

Web presentation - Download PDF

Earlier presentations

OSADL Safety Critical Linux Working Group by Nicholas Mc Guire, Distributed & Embedded Systems Lab, Lanzhou, China

OSADL Safety Critical Linux Working Group

by Nicholas Mc Guire, Distributed & Embedded Systems Lab, Lanzhou, China

Web presentation - Download PDF

Linux in Safety-Critical Systems by Baurzhan Ismagulov, Siemens Building Technologies

Linux in Safety-Critical Systems

by Baurzhan Ismagulov, Siemens Building Technologies, Presentation at the Embedded World Conference 2008 in Nuremberg, Germany, on February 28, 2008

Web presentation - Download PDF

Introduction to Safety Terminology by Nicholas Mc Guire, Distributed & Embedded Systems Lab, Lanzhou, China

Introduction to Safety Terminology

by Nicholas Mc Guire, Distributed & Embedded Systems Lab, Lanzhou, China

Web presentation - Download PDF

Introduction to 61508 by Nicholas Mc Guire

Introduction to 61508

by Nicholas Mc Guire, Distributed & Embedded Systems Lab, Lanzhou, China

Web presentation - Download PDF - Paper (PDF)

Safety Case strategy for COTS by Nicholas Mc Guire

Safety Case strategy for COTS

by Nicholas Mc Guire, Distributed & Embedded Systems Lab, Lanzhou, China

Web presentation - Download PDF

Xtratum - Real Time Nanokernel for Linux by Nicholas Mc Guire

Xtratum - Real Time Nanokernel for Linux

by Nicholas Mc Guire, Distributed & Embedded Systems Lab, Lanzhou, China

Web presentation - Download PDF

FieldTrac 6393 CheckPoint – Solution for automatic train supervision by Roland Stadlbauer, Thales Rail Signaling Solutions

FieldTrac 6393 CheckPoint – Solution for automatic train supervision

by Roland Stadlbauer, Thales Rail Signaling Solutions

Web presentation - Download PDF