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OSADL Articles:
2023-11-12 12:00
Open Source License Obligations Checklists even better now![]() Import the checklists to other tools, create context diffs and merged lists
2022-07-11 12:00
Call for participation in phase #4 of Open Source OPC UA open62541 support project![]() Letter of Intent fulfills wish list from recent survey
2022-01-13 12:00
Phase #3 of OSADL project on OPC UA PubSub over TSN successfully completed![]() Another important milestone on the way to interoperable Open Source real-time Ethernet has been reached
2021-02-09 12:00
Open Source OPC UA PubSub over TSN project phase #3 launched![]() Letter of Intent with call for participation is now available |
Real Time Linux Workshops
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Tenth Real-Time Linux Workshop on October 29 to November 1st, 2008, in Guadalajara, Mexico
Announcement - Agenda - Paper Presentations
- Interrupt Handling on x86 (RT) and Boot Interrupt Quirks
Alexander Graf, Olaf Dabrunz, Stefan Assmann - The State of Free Software for Light Rail Systems in Guadalajara, Mexico
D. W. Carr, R. Ruelas, Raul Aquino Santos, Apolinar Gonzalez Potes - The Process of Free Software for Safety Critical Systems with Examples from Experience in Guadalajara Mexico
D. W. Carr, R. Ruelas, Raul Aquino Santos, Apolinar Gonzalez Potes - Modular Real-Time Linux
Shinpei Kato, Nobuyuki Yamasaki - Design and Implementation of a POSIX Compliant Sporadic Server for the Linux Kernel
Dario Faggioli, Antonio Mancina, Fabio Checconi, Giuseppe Lipari - Device Driver Model for XtratuM
Shuwei Bai,Xingwen Huang, Qingguo Zhou, Nicholas Mc Guire - Shared Memory in XtratuM/PaRTiKle
Pu Yiqiao, Bai Shuwei, She Kairui, Zhou Qingguo, Nicholas MCGuire - Initial Performance Study of XtratuM/PPC
Rui Zhou, Shuwei Bai, Baojun Wang, Nicholas Mc Guire, Qingguo Zhou, Lian Li - Control of biometric devices using machine vision in real time for
motion and direction control of a wheel chair in Linux
Fuentes Covarrubias A. Gerardo, Fuentes Covarrubias Ricardo, Cabello Pardos Enrique, Gonzalez Potes Apolinar, Mata Lopez Walter A. - Porting jRate (RT-Java) to a POSIX Real-Time Linux Kernel
Walter Mata, Apolinar Gonzàlez, Gerardo Fuentes, Ricardo Fuentes - Supporting the FRSH real-time framework on top of PaRTiKle
V. Brocal, M. Masmano, I. Ripoll and A. Crespo - PaRTiKle LPC, port to the LPC2000
S. Peiro, M. Masmano, I. Ripoll, and A. Crespo - A Distributed Robot Control Architecture Using RTAI
Diego Caberlon Santini and Walter Fetter Lages - Developing Userfriendly Applications with Simulink Target for RTLinux
Klaus Oppermann, Daniel Schleicher, Peter Reiter, Bernhard G. Zagar - Wireless Sensor Networks on Heterogeneous Platforms using RTSJ
Rodrigo S. Allgayer, André Cavalcante, Carlos Eduardo Pereira - xmtrace - the XtratuM tracer
Thomas Hisch, Georg Schiesser, Andreas Platschek - A Student Lab for Rapid Control Prototyping with RTLinux and the Simulink Target for Realtime Linux (STRTL)
Peter Reiter, Klaus Oppermann, Daniel Schleicher, Bernhard G. Zagar