2025-03-14 - 07:42

Dates and Events:

OSADL Articles:

2024-10-02 12:00

Linux is now an RTOS!

PREEMPT_RT is mainline - What's next?

2023-11-12 12:00

Open Source License Obligations Checklists even better now

Import the checklists to other tools, create context diffs and merged lists

2023-03-01 12:00

Embedded Linux distributions

Results of the online "wish list"

2022-01-13 12:00

Phase #3 of OSADL project on OPC UA PubSub over TSN successfully completed

Another important milestone on the way to interoperable Open Source real-time Ethernet has been reached

2021-02-09 12:00

Open Source OPC UA PubSub over TSN project phase #3 launched

Letter of Intent with call for participation is now available

Evaluation of Linux rt-preempt for embedded industrial devices for Automation and Power technologies - A case study


Evaluation of Linux rt-preempt for embedded industrial devices for Automation and Power technologies - A case study


Morten Mossige, Pradyumna Sampath, Rachana Rao

Author Information

ABB Corporate Research, India


ABB is one of the leading solution providers for Industrial automation, Power technologies and Robotics. This makes ABB a vendor of several mission critical embedded devices. Most of these devices are characterized by stringent real time requirements. Real-time patches/extensions to Linux open up new possibilities to applying open source SW in industrial real-time embedded applications. This paper presents a case study, where Linux rt-preempt is evaluated in the context of an industrial controller. The paper will reveal the methodologies used in this evaluation in terms of the test setup in detail and the parameters measured from an industrial control perspective. This evaluation has had focus on Linux in a distributed environment over Ethernet connectivity with corresponding time synchronization and real-time capabilities.


Robotics, RT-Preempt, Linux , Automation, Power, ABB  Evaluation