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Open Source License Obligations Checklists even better now![]() Import the checklists to other tools, create context diffs and merged lists
2022-07-11 12:00
Call for participation in phase #4 of Open Source OPC UA open62541 support project![]() Letter of Intent fulfills wish list from recent survey
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Phase #3 of OSADL project on OPC UA PubSub over TSN successfully completed![]() Another important milestone on the way to interoperable Open Source real-time Ethernet has been reached
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Open Source OPC UA PubSub over TSN project phase #3 launched![]() Letter of Intent with call for participation is now available |
Real Time Linux Workshops
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Fifth Real-Time Linux Workshop on November 9 to 11, 2003, in Valencia, Spain
Announcement - Agenda - Paper Presentations - Work in Progress Reports - Technical Keynote - Kickstart Sessions
Workshop Agenda
November 9-11 2003
Department of Computer Engineering
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
Camino de Vera s/n Valencia, 46071, Spain
Sunday, November 9
21:00 |
Informal come-together Restaurante Canovas, Plaza Canovas del Castillo" número 9, Valencia. |
Kickstart sessions are offered in parallel to all paper presentations throughout the workshop in the Building 1G, first floor, "Torres quevedo" lab.
A "playground" for general discussions and "show me your code" sessions is available throughout the workshop in the Building 1G, third floor, "Sala de juntes" room.
Monday, November 10
09:00 | Registration, Building 1E, Hall |
09:25 | WELCOME, Building 1E, Room 200 |
09:30 |
The fundamental role of open systems in future applications
Andrea Cuomo |
10:30 |
ALMA Correlator Real-Time Data Processor
J.A. Pisano |
11:00 | Coffee break |
11:30 | GENERAL APPLICATIONS, Building 1E, Room 200 | INDUSTRIAL CONTROL AND AUTOMATION, Building 3A, Room 45 |
11:30 |
Prototype to Evaluate the Parameters of Forced Spirometry
River Quispe Tacas and Carlos Albino Rivera |
MatPLC: Towards Real-Time Performance
Mário de Sousa, Jiří Baum and Andrey Romanenko |
12:00 |
Flexible Digital Control System for Multiple Fatigue Tests
E. Vigoni, G.L. Ghiringhelli, L. Dozio and P. Mantegazza |
A Programmable Logic Controller under RTLinux Following Related Standards
I. Plaza, C. Medrano and C. Catalán |
12:30 |
Lunch break Lunch will be available from 13:00 in the cantine. |
14:00 | GENERAL APPLICATIONS, Building 1E, Room 200 | INDUSTRIAL CONTROL AND AUTOMATION, Building 3A, Room 45 |
14:00 |
Adaptation and Implementation of the Linux Real-Time Extension RTAI for the Secondary Radar System MSR2000I for Air Traffic Control
Alexander Kubicki |
Open Architecture Controller for a SCARA Yamaha YK7000 Industrial Robot
J.L. González, E. Baeyens, F. Gayubo, J.P. Turiel and J.C. Fraile |
14:30 |
libTRAIN: A Library to Control a Train Scale Model in RT-Linux
Luis Búrdalo and Andrés Terrasa |
Real-Time Embedded Architecture for Intelligent Vehicles
Khaled Chaaban, Paul Crubillé and Mohamed Shawky |
15:00 | Coffee break |
15:30 | ROBOTICS, Building 1E, Room 200 | WORK IN PROGRESS, Building 1G, third floor, "Sala de juntes" |
15:30 |
Control of an Industrial Manipulator by RTAI Linux
C. Secchi, C. Fantuzzi and A. Gianotti |
RAT Real Time Audio Tool
Arvid Staub |
16:00 |
A Multibody User-Space Hard Real-Time Environment for the Simulation of Space Robots
M. Attolico and P. Masarati |
RTLinux based Manipulator Arm
Georg Schiesser |
16:30 |
RT-Linux Based Control of an Experimental Platform for Teleoperated Systems with 1 D.O.F.
R. Puerto, L.M. Jimenez, J.A. Alenda and R. Aracil |
Your work in progress report
Your name |
17:00 |
Networked Robot Control with Delay Compensation
Gustavo Hommerding Alt and Walter Fetter Lages |
Your work in progress report
Your name |
21:00 |
Informal dinner "Hol", Avenida de Aragón N18, Valencia. |
Tuesday, November 11
09:00 |
Resource Management in Linux to Provide CPU Reserves
Alejandro Alonso, Miguel Lobo, Alejandro Sánchez-Rico and Juan Zamorano |
EDroom: A Case Tool for the Room Based Modelling and Automatic Code Generation of Real-Time Systems Running under RTAI
María Herranz Molinero, Oscar Rodríguez Polo, Luis Piñuel and Jesús Manuel de la Cruz |
09:30 |
CLEOPATRE: A R&D Project for Providing New Real-Time Functionalities to Linux/RTAI
Thibault Garcia, Audrey Marchand and Maryline Silly-Chetto |
Interfacing Real-Time Linux and Simulink
Vishal J. Desai |
10:00 |
Preemption Patch Integration in the RTLinux Environment
Carlo Andrea Orrico and Giuseppe Lipari |
RTAI Real-Time Device Driver Development Using UML
Hrvoje Sertic, Fran Rus and Robert Rac |
10:30 | Coffee break |
11:00 |
Improving Conditions for Executing Soft Real-Time Tasks Timely in Linux
Arnd C. Heursch, Alexander Koenen, Witold Jaworski and Helmut Rzehak |
CACSD under RTAI Linux with RTAI-LAB
Roberto Bucher and Lorenzo Dozio |
11:30 |
Doing Real-Time with a Simple Linux Kernel
D. Servat, S.Gérard, A. Lanusse, P. Vanuxeem and F. Terrier |
dFSM: Finite State Machines for Embedded Systems
Andreu Moreno and Joan Valduvieco |
12:00 |
Stand-Alone RTLinux-GPL
V. Esteve, I. Ripoll and A. Crespo |
A C++ Pooled, Shared Memory Allocator for the Standard Template Library
Marc Ronell |
12:30 |
Lunch break Lunch will be available from 13:00 in the cantine. |
14:00 | SCHEDULING, Building 1E, Room 200 | PORTING, Building 3A, Room 70 |
14:00 |
A Canonical API for Periodic Scheduling
Peter Favrholdt |
Porting to H8/300 Architecture
Yoshinori Sato |
14:30 |
Energy Saving Scheduling for Embedded Real-Time Linux Applications
Claudio Scordino and Giuseppe Lipari |
Porting µCLinux-2.4 to MMU-less Microprocessors
George Thanos, Yannis Mitsos and Gregory Doumenis |
15:00 |
Application Defined Scheduler Implementation in RTLinux
J. Vidal, A. Crespo, I. Ripoll and P. Balbastre |
Porting Linux to ERC-32 Architecture
Sebastián S. Prieto, Ignacio G. Tejedor and Aitor V. Sánchez |
15:30 | Coffee break |
16:00 | SCHEDULING, Building 1E, Room 200 | REAL-TIME NETWORKING, Building 3A, Room 70 |
16:00 |
Proposal Of Scheduling Method for On-Line Reconfiguration in Real-Time Using Non-Supervised Neural Networks
Antonio-Regalado J. Francisco and Benitez-Perez Hector |
Building Ethernet Drivers on RTLinux-GPL
Sergio Pérez, Joan Vila and Ismael Ripoll |
16:30 |
A Loadable Variable-Rate Execution Schedule
Xin Liu and Steve Goddard |
A Compact Software Framework for Distributed Real-Time Computing
Oliver Wulf, Jan Kiszka and Bernardo Wagner |
17:00 |
YASA - A Framework for Validation, Test, and Analysis of Real-Time Scheduling Algorithms
Jan Blumenthal, Jens Hildebrandt, Frank Golatowski and Dirk Timmermann |
Open Source Components for the CAN Bus
P. Píša and F. Vacek |
17:30 | Closing |