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Real Time Linux Workshops

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15th Real Time Linux Workshop, October 28 to 31, 2013 at the Dipartimento Tecnologie Innovative, Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano-Manno, Switzerland

Announcement - Call for participation (ASCII)Hotels - Directions - AgendaPaper Abstracts - Presentations - Registration - Abstract Submission - Sponsors - Gallery

The Implementation of Node Order Protocol Based on Userspace I/O

Yong Sheng, DSLab, Lanzhou University, China
Jun Hu, DSLab, Lanzhou University, China
Nicholas McGuire, DSLab, Lanzhou University, China
Qingguo Zhou, DSLab, Lanzhou University, China

Real-time communication is widely deployed in safety-critical systems, especially in distributted systems, real-time network communication acts as one of the core components. Time-triggered Protocols (TTP) have been accepted for safety-critical communication, however, existing TTP lacks of flexibility and has low average utilization of resources. The Node Order Protocol (NOP) eliminates the communication protocol's need for global time, and compensate for the weakness of conventional node order protocols. This paper implements NOP utilizing rtl8139dl NIC based on Userspace I/O (UIO), which moves rtl8139dl NIC driver from kernel space to userspace. The experiment shows that the implemention satisfy the design of NOP.