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OSADL Projects

OSADL Project: Safety Critical Linux

Safety Critical Linux - Working Group Proposal by Nicholas Mc Guire

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real-time Technologies

As real-time or deterministic processing, which was cited as one of the critical shortcomings of Linux-2.4.X ([17]) is generally considered a key capability in safety critical systems the technologies in the OSS/COTS arena of interest have been identified as:

  • fully preemptive Linux kernel
  • Generalized interrupt abstraction layers (ADEOS [9],XtratuM-1.0 [12])
  • Dual Kernel Concepts (RTLinux/GPL [6],RTAI/RTHAL [8])
  • Multi-kernels (L4/L4Linux [2],XtartuM-1.0/PaRTIKLe [], Jaluna [4], PikeOS [5])

A prliminary documentation and assessment of these technologies (as of 2004) is available at [7].

Thus with the requirement for real-time set as one of the prerequisite for this working group initiative, we would target these technologies as a key investigation item. The main task is to evaluate the suitability of these technologies for safety critical systems and there fitness for long term project usage. The long term aspect is not a technical aspect but a necessity as the safety critical system arena generally is concerned with systems that are to be kept operational for 10++ years, thus a major portion of this investigation effort will be related to non-technical issues.

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latex2html 2007-07-15

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